Στην τελευταία μας επικοινωνία ο Deniz με ενημέρωσε ότι εξέτασε προσεκτικά τα 3 τελευταία τεύχη του
Retro Planet, και έγραψε ένα σχετικό post στο
forum του Retrojen, το οποίο μπορείτε να δείτε παρακάτω:
Τον ευχαριστώ ολόθερμα για τα καλά του λόγια και σας παραθέτω την ανάρτησή του μεταφρασμένη από το
Google Translate. Δεν είναι και ό,τι ιδανικότερο αλλά μέσες-άκρες το αποτέλεσμα είναι κατανοητό: "
When I took the editorial of Retrogen for the last issue, I wondered whether the magazines like us were going out in the world and I searched the internet a bit. In addition to promoting Retrojen abroad, my aim was to have some ideas about foreign magazines.
I did not know the details but I knew that there were a couple of similar magazines in Europe. One of these is the "Retro Planet" magazine published in Greece since 2013. Retro Planet is just like Retrogen, who decided to choose the hard way and get out. Alone: RP has managed to score four points per year regularly since the first issue. This is really a revelation if we think about what we are dealing with in similar terms and similar conditions.
From the logos of the RP, I think that Greece's best-known home-computer magazine is a respect for Pixel. Pixel is a magazine published between 1983-1996, which continues to regularly house computers until the end of its 13-year long journey. The computer model from the very beginning to place all of the magazines for brands in Turkey, unlike what we tried to do to us now show that previously made in Retrojen'l 35 years. Perhaps on that note, Greek home computer users of that period were more aware of us than different systems compared to us. (By the way, I can not tell you that the cover of Pixel's last issue reminds me of the famous 41st issue of GameShow!)
Retro Planet is a project of Panayiotis Plemmenos. When I told him that he could contact Retrogen to introduce Retrojen and send it back to Retro Planet as a clearing, I guess we both did not know what to expect. Three Retro Planets, which correspond to the three Retrogenes I sent, reached the elite by mail after a few weeks.
The last three numbers of RPs sent by Panayiotis. As I mentioned above, the magazine has reached the 20th issue because of the issue of four issues per year. In the honor of the 20th issue, 11 pages were separated and some texts reflecting her feelings like the one we made in the "My 7DX" text were taken.
Retro Planet is 52 pages in color. Paper quality (D: not as good as Retrogen) is good. According to Panayiotis, the page design work is outsourced for a fee. You know, in classical Turkish computer magazines page design is a "magazine belonging" made by one of the authors. So I do not know the Retro Planet, but it was unthinkable for Retrogen to do it out: D
It's rare even if RP does not have any ads. These are mostly related to some 8-bit byproducts produced in Greece, announcements of organization or meetings announcements, and equipment such as the X5000. This tells me that RP is not a serious advertising revenue, and that you are trying to stand up with more sales revenue (what, you think, is every magazine being taken as good as Retrojen?).
Let me talk a little bit about the content: the RP seems to have a rich content from the reports of meetings and parties in Greece and Europe, to the detailed news of emerging technologies. Old and new games and softwares are widely used in magazine pages. In the last issue of Retrogen, "retro-vector graphics games" and "retro cold war games" reminiscent of MadCat's "Retro Cyberpunk Games" are available in almost every issue. Although the limited Greek myth "Vulture" Nick's writer's story and rock music were not enough to understand the contents of the writings, it was enough to find parallels with Gaddar's style.
Retro Planet looks like a magazine that has been given a lot of effort and taken care of. It is not an easy task to deal with such a thing on a regular basis in 2018. That's why Panayiotis Plemmenos and the Retro Planet team deserve to be congratulated not only because they have done a good job but also because they have been able to sustain it for years."
Είναι εντυπωσιακό το γεγονός πως κάποια πράγματα που δεν μπορούν να καταλάβουν άνθρωποι της ελληνικής retro κοινότητας με τους οποίους έχουμε σχέσεις εδώ και χρόνια, τα κατάλαβε ο Deniz απλώς ξεφυλλίζοντας το Retro Planet, ένα περιοδικό γραμμένο σε μια γλώσσα που δεν την γνωρίζει καν! Πράγμα που σημαίνει ότι τελικά το να λειτουργεί κανείς πέρα από προκαταλήψεις είναι πολύ πιο σημαντικό από όσο γνωρίζουμε ή θέλουμε να πιστεύουμε...
Ελπίζω να έχουμε σύντομα και άλλα νέα και ενημέρωση από την retro κοινότητα της γειτονικής χώρας. Ό, τι πέσει στην αντίληψή μου πάντως θα το μεταφέρω. Αυτά για σήμερα, κοιτάξτε να απολαύσετε τις λιγοστές μέρες καλοκαιρινής ραστώνης που απέμειναν γιατί σε λίγο καιρό (ξανα)ξεκινάνε τα δύσκολα...